Cantar de Mio Cid. libro + CD
  • Cantar de Mio Cid. libro + CD

Cantar de Mio Cid. libro + CD

  • ISBN: 9788853004918
  • Matèria: Espanyol
  • Idioma: Castellà

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  • Autors: Anónimo
  • Format: Papel



Retold by C. Valero Planas


El Cantar d...e Mio Cid is the oldest-known text in Spanish literature and it narrates part of the life of Cid, an epic hero. Exiled unjustifiably by King Don Alfonso, Cid, with a group of followers, fights to regain his honour against the Moors and against anyone who is plotting against him. Cid&rsquos disgrace turns into triumph, and his misery into power, eventually leading to the conquest of Valencia from the Muslims.

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