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White Fang (Penguin Readers) Level 6

SKU: 112587
ISBN: 9780241463345
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Penguin Readers
Formato: Papel + Digital
Nivel MCER: B1+
Edad: Desde 14 años
Temática: Naturalista, aventura
Valores: Amistad,Amor,Lealtad,Empatía,Tolerancia,Justicia,Autoestima,Valentía
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: J. London
Páginas: 96
Medidas: 12,8 X19,7 cm
Restricciones de mercado: Perú
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The world is a wonderful place to a brave wolf cub, as his mother teaches him all about nature. But then he meets humans. They call him White Fang, and take him away from the wild. Can he learn their ways to survive, and at what cost to himself?

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