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The Owl’s Song. Book audio @

SKU: 111156
ISBN: 9788853010117
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Earlyreads
Formato: Papel
Nivel MCER: Pre A1
Edad: Desde 6 años
Temática: Cuentos de hadas, fantasía
Valores: Diversidad
Nivel educativo: Educación primaria
CCAA: General
Autores: P. Traverso
Páginas: 31
Medidas: 17 X 24 cm
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Every early morning the little birds in the wood fly everywhere to wake their animal friends up. One day a big brown owl comes. He wants to join the little birds but they do not want him, because they say he is too big and ugly and he can’t sing. The poor owl hides inside an old black tree. But the night comes again and… fairies arrive. It’s time for the owl to sing his song. He sings beautifully! The fairies start dancing and the night becomes magic!

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