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North and South. Book and CD (Life Skills)

SKU: 112193

ISBN: 9788853017192
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Reading & Training. Life Skills
Formato: Papel
Nivel MCER: B2.1
Edad: Desde 16 años
Temática: Interés humano
Valores: Amor, Orgullo, Autoconciencia, Justicia
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: E. Gaskell
Páginas: 126+CD
Medidas: 14,7 X 21 cm
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Margaret Hale finds the industrial north of England very different to the rural, conservative and gentle south, when she moves there with her parents. When she meets John Thornton, who is a self-made and ambitious young man there is an attraction, but his ideas are very different to Margaret’s.

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