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Nasreddin Ten Stories. Book audio @

SKU: 5177
ISBN: 9788853006998
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Earlyreads
Formato: Papel
Nivel MCER: A1
Edad: Desde 8 años
Temática: Cuentos de hadas, fantasía, animales
Valores: Humor, Ingenio
Nivel educativo: Educación primaria
CCAA: General
Autores: Retold by J. Gascoigne
Páginas: 31
Medidas: 16,5 X 24 cm
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Nasreddin does and says some strange things. Why does he look for his key in the garden when he lost it in the house? Why does he weigh his cat? Why does he invite a beggar onto his roof? But perhaps Nasreddin is cleverer than we first think! Read this collection of ten amusing stories and decide!

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