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Loki And The Giants (Penguin Readers) Starter

SKU: 112590
ISBN: 9780241463383
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Penguin Readers
Formato: Papel + Digital
Nivel MCER: Pre-A1
Edad: Desde 12 años
Temática: Leyendas
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: R. Lancelyn Green
Páginas: 64
Medidas: 12,8 X 19, cm
Restricciones de mercado: Perú
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Come into the world of the vikings. The gods and giants are enemies. Loki's mother is a goddess but his father is a giant. Is he the gods' friend or is he their enemy? They don't know...

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