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Home for Christmas. Book + CD

SKU: 111000

ISBN: 9788853005427
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Reading & Training
Formato: Papel
Nivel MCER: A2
Edad: Desde 12 años
Temática: Aventura
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: A.M. Hutchinson
Páginas: 80 + CD
Medidas: 15 X 21 cm
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Three young women need to get to London from Ireland in time for Christmas. When all flights are cancelled, they are forced to share a car and make the journey by road. They each have their own personal problems, but they have to decide together what to do when they find a briefcase full of money. Then they realise that a car is following them…

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