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Five Children and It. Book + CD

SKU: 110882

ISBN: 9788431607487
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Green Apple
Formato: Papel
Nivel MCER: A1
Edad: Desde 11 años
Temática: Aventura
Valores: Discernimiento
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: E. Nesbit
Páginas: 64+CD
Medidas: 17 X 24 cm
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Five children go on holiday and discover a sand fairy near their home! The sand fairy is an unusual creature that grants wishes, and this is just the beginning of an incredible adventure for them. Their wishes are strange, silly… and sometimes dangerous. They go from one exciting adventure to another until finally they realise the power of a wish and whether or not they really want one!

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