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Bugaboo the Wicked Witch. Book + CD

SKU: 4685

ISBN: 9788877545732
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Earlyreads
Formato: Papel
Nivel MCER: Pre A1
Edad: Desde 6 años
Temática: Cuentos de hadas, fantasía
Nivel educativo: Educación primaria
CCAA: General
Autores: Cristina Ivaldi
Páginas: 32
Medidas: 16,7x24,1 cm
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This is a story about a witch who is so stupid that she is actually harmless! She becomes extremely dangerous however, when a blow to her head turns her into a good witch. There is nothing worse than a very stupid person who wants to do good, particularly if she has magic powers on her side!

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