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Beauty and the Beast. (Digital)
SKU: 912140
ISBN: 9788468275772
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Green Apple
Formato: Digital
Nivel MCER: A1
Edad: Desde 11 años
Temática: Fantasía
Valores: Bondad,Amabilidad
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: J. M. Leprince
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A rich man suddenly becomes poor and he goes to live in the country with his children. One day he goes to the city on business. His daughters Rosalind and Hortensia ask him for expensive presents, but his other daughter, Beauty, only wants a rose. On his way back the man takes a rose from the garden of a castle. But the owner of the castle, a beast, becomes angry and demands something in exchange…
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Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Green Apple
Formato: Digital
Nivel MCER: A1
Edad: Desde 11 años
Temática: Fantasía
Valores: Bondad,Amabilidad
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: J. M. Leprince
A rich man suddenly becomes poor and he goes to live in the country with his children. One day he goes to the city on business. His daughters Rosalind and Hortensia ask him for expensive presents, but his other daughter, Beauty, only wants a rose. On his way back the man takes a rose from the garden of a castle. But the owner of the castle, a beast, becomes angry and demands something in exchange…
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