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Alphabet Book (Ladybird)
SKU: 112430
ISBN: 9780241393673
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Ladybird Readers
Formato: Papel + Digital
Nivel MCER: Pre-A1
Edad: Desde 4 años
Temática: Aprendizaje
Valores: Aprendizaje
CCAA: General
Autores: Team Ladybird Readers
Páginas: 31
Medidas: 15,1x22,1 cm
Restricciones de mercado: Perú
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An introduction to the alphabet for beginner readers. The Starter level introduces phonics and sight words. Each book contains two versions of the story: the first with single words focusing on phonics, and the second with full sentences introducing sight words.
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Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Ladybird Readers
Formato: Papel + Digital
Nivel MCER: Pre-A1
Edad: Desde 4 años
Temática: Aprendizaje
Valores: Aprendizaje
CCAA: General
Autores: Team Ladybird Readers
Páginas: 31
Medidas: 15,1x22,1 cm
Restricciones de mercado: Perú
An introduction to the alphabet for beginner readers. The Starter level introduces phonics and sight words. Each book contains two versions of the story: the first with single words focusing on phonics, and the second with full sentences introducing sight words.
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