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Alaska Adventure!. Book + CD

SKU: 112206

ISBN: 9788853017208
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Reading & Training
Formato: Papel
Nivel MCER: A2
Edad: Desde 12 años
Temática: Aventura
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: 15.vida de ecosistemas terrestres
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: G. D. B. Clemen
Páginas: 80
Medidas: 14,7 X 21 cm
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Karen and Justin want to celebrate Thanksgiving with their family, but their plans change when an earthquake hits Alaska. Their dad, who’s a petroleum engineer, must fly to Alaska to prevent a disaster on the pipeline. Karen and Justin join him in Alaska. When their dad is stranded at the Arctic Circle during a blizzard, who can possibly rescue him?

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