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1984. Free Audiobook

SKU: 112779

ISBN: 9788853021373
Idioma: Inglés
Colección: Black Cat. Reading & Training
Formato: Papel
Nivel MCER: B1.2
Edad: Desde 14 años
Temática: Ciencia ficción
Nivel educativo: Secundaria
CCAA: General
Autores: G. Orwell
Páginas: 112
Medidas: 14,7 X 21 cm
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In the year 1984, the people of Oceania cannot do, say or think what they want. They must love Big Brother, the Party leader, and follow him. ‘Everything’s great in Oceania,’ the Party says, but Winston questions his life. George Orwell’s masterpiece of dystopian science-fiction warns us of the dangers of totalitarian governments.

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